We need to change law
• IF it’s true that council leader Councillor Terry Stacy is having the punitive leaseholder repayment options reviewed, what a relief. But, having entered such an agreement, it is primary legislation which removes leaseholders’ access to the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal for examination of their astronomic bills for work all too often shoddy. What rewording of repayment options can possibly override the law?
It is to be hoped that also being rethought is the inhumane expectancy that leaseholders should make monumental financial decisions within days of sudden receipt of traumatising estimates of huge bills.
Luckily, Cllr Stacy is also a JP so should be alert to the dire consequences of driving leaseholders into poverty, and frequently out of their homes because his council continually pelts them with huge works bills.
If he listens to leaseholders, his budgets and management could benefit enormously. Hopefully, he will accept the invitation to the next Islington Leaseholders’ Association meeting at 7pm on Wednesday at the town hall.
Kay Newsom
Member, Islington Leaseholders’ Association |