Two-year fight to protect vulnerable elderly people• I WONDER whether Councillor Ursula Woolley has full knowledge of how that “improvement in Lennox House” was achieved (Jobs safe as firm wins home care contract, November 6)?
And it was nothing to do with the sad reported cases of people being left in their beds, after death.
It was after my relative suffered sub-standard care and neglect at Lennox House in December 2007, which resulted in her death, and which was followed by an investigation by Islington and MHCOP (Mental Health Care for Older People) – via an independent nurse consultant – resulting in the most thorough report imaginable, that people began to take seriously all my expressed concerns.
Since that Islington investigation and report, there has been yet another review and report. It has taken me nearly two years of my life to do all I can to make sure that Care UK now has in place decent systems to protect vulnerable elderly people in its care homes.
Not only in Islington, but elsewhere in the world of Care UK in the UK.
Care UK had no choice about the improvement plan for Lennox House. It was forced on it from the beginning of January 2008 by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI), by Islington and because of the fact that I made sure Islington would listen to my concerns about the way in which my relative was neglected and died.
Irene Clarke
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