Our message to Boris: sort out this dangerous junction
• YOU report the lack of action by Transport for London (TfL) to resolve the obvious dangers to pedestrians and cyclists at the Madras Place crossing of Holloway Road (Death junction dithering, November 27). We are writing in desperation to appeal for immediate implementation of measures to mitigate the current dangers.
Disturbed by the lack of action by TfL to improve the crossing, we wrote to Islington Council in mid-October with suggestions for immediate emergency safety measures while a comprehensive upgrading of the crossing is being planned. The main problem is that drivers travelling north frequently move forward completely unaware that cyclists have a green light to cross east-west.
Not only is this potentially lethal to cyclists, pedestrians and those who choose to dismount and wheel their bikes across the road, but it is also bizarre that it is legal for drivers to be put in a position where they might kill or seriously injure people crossing Holloway Road.
Council officers finally met us on Friday and agreed that the junction is inherently dangerous. They are still waiting for TfL to get back to them with a safety assessment. Immediate action is needed to remove the current danger, before there is another collision. Boris, if you read your local paper, please take notice and sort this out.
Caroline Russell
Islington Living Streets
Chris Ashby
Islington Cyclists Action Group