Let me set
the record straight on Swiss Cottage leisure prices
I am writing to set the record straight over
the prices that will be charged for using the new Swiss Cottage
leisure centre, (Tell Us Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre Prices,
Letters, February 2).
Prices for all activities at leisure centres run by Camden
Council are on average among the cheapest in London and are
much less than in competing private centres. In particular,
they are designed to help people with disabilities and those
on low incomes to take full advantage of what is on offer.
Prices at the new Swiss Cottage leisure centre will be slightly
higher on average than at other Camden centres but this reflects
the quality of the facilities on offer.
Members and concessionary users such as children, the elderly
and the unemployed will be able to enjoy favourable terms, which
are designed to reward the most frequent users and ensure prices
are affordable for the whole community and not just those in
well-paid jobs. In particular, concessionary leisure cardholders
will be able to swim free on weekday mornings.
The Premier Wellness scheme was the only option being offered
by staff at Swiss Cottage Central Library until two weeks ago
because it is a pan-London scheme with prices set by the London
Fitness Network. The council needed to agree new prices for
Camden leisure centres, to come into force from April, before
local membership schemes could go on sale.
The full range of membership options have been agreed and staff
at Swiss Cottage library have been offering them to the public
for almost a fortnight. GLL staff also took the details of around
500 people who came into before that and are ringing back to
offer a deal that better suits their needs.
I am confident that when users see the quality of the facilities
on offer at the new Swiss Cottage centre from March, they will
agree that these memberships are great value for money.
Cllr Phil Turner
Camden Councils
Executive Member for Leisure |