Get off
yer bikes and walk
As a driver and a pedestrian, I am fed up with
sob stories from cyclists. The responsible ones are fine
those who follow the Highway Code and cope with other road users
The complainers and the pavement-cyclists and those who
cannot integrate with other traffic, should leave their cycles
at home, walk as far as is practical and take public transport
for the remainder of their journey.
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable travellers. It is not safe,
nor appropriate, that they should share any area with the cyclists.
It is, and must remain, their sole right to use the pavements.
They should not be hustled by cyclists on zebra crossings. They
should not have to dodge cyclists travelling contrary to traffic
in one way streets.
And they should feel able to stroll through our parks and open
spaces without competing with anything on wheels.
We have no visible police to deal with the increasing number
of cyclists laughing at the current traffic laws- God help us
if their dangerous behaviour were to become legal.
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