Prices hiked
for parking
DRIVERS have been told they must fork out extra cash
if they want to park their cars in Camden.
In some areas parking chiefs are hiking up pay and display prices
by a whopping 50 per cent.
This will mean that in neighbourhoods like Primrose Hill the
cost to park your car will rocket from £1.60 an hour to
The change, which will take effect next month, comes on the
heels of an over-estimation of how much money the council thought
it could rake in from parking charges and penalties last year.
The misjudged figures meant that the parking department, currently
undergoing a review of staff numbers, spent too much money on
projects such as new road humps and were left with a hole in
its coffers.
Labour finance chief Councillor Anna Stewart said part of the
overspend was down to last years July 7 terrorist bombings
which led to increase demand for parking in the south of the
borough, minutes of council meetings show.
Last night (Wednesday), senior Labour members said the hike
in the price of parking was down to a strategy to keep motorists
on the move rather than the environment departments
mistaken budget estimations.
Environment chief Councillor John Thane said: This rise
has nothing to do with the budget. For pay and display to work
properly we have to make sure there are always spaces available.
Cllr Thane, admitted that the hike was tactical.
He said: If they are too cheap people stay for too long.
We have found this happening in places and so we have put the
price up.
But the Town Hall is already facing familiar accusations that
it is using parking as a way to raise money. Labour bosses were
also warned that the increase put the pressure on small businesses
whose customers could be frightened off by the increase.
Conservative leader Piers Wauchope said that his party would
have a complete review of prices and penalties if
his party take control of the Town Hall at Mays elections.
He said: Camden is using parking not to sort out traffic
but to raise money. |