Offices on play area? Incredible
I am sure I speak for many in deploring the destruction
of the playground at Bray council estate in Adelaide Road,
apparently in order to construct a site office for the councils
PFI contractors.
Where are the kids supposed to go to play? It seems inconceivable
that Camden Council cannot find somewhere other than a playground
on which to build an office.
So much for the council asking us to re-elect them on grounds
of their social awareness and concern.
All this seems to have been set in motion without the slightest
notification or consultation with residents. The swings were
removed and fences erected without notice virtually overnight!
I recently received a mailshot asking me to support the Camden
Labour council in the impending local elections. Among the
Labour partys manifesto pledges was the following: To
invest in youth and play projects on Camdens estates
to encourage the kids to get involved in sport, leisure and
fitness and not to hang around the street corners or estates.
How does this square with the wrecking going on at Bray playground?
It would be a bad joke if it were not so serious.
Or perhaps the council has cynically chosen this ward because
it has no sitting Labour councillors?
Either way, Camden voters should take note of the vast gap
between the caring rhetoric of the council and
how it actually treats its residents and particularly
its kids in demolishing playgrounds in the interests
of PFI contractors. Your play area could be next!
Mike Knollys
Fellows Road