Glass action
After the expense (£40) and inconvenience
of replacing my bicycles tires and inner tubes last
week after riding through broken glass on a cycle path, I
was concerned today at the behaviour of a council street sweeper
in Royal College Street.
After walking along Jeffreys street and into Royal College
Street, we witnessed a street sweeper use a wooden broom to
smash a glass bottle against the curb edge, instead of picking
the bottle up.
We watched for some time to see if the bottle was collected,
but the sweeper vanished. Returning two hours later the glass
still lay across the road edge. I cleared it into a cardboard
box .
For all these years I assumed broken glass was a result of
drunken yobbery I would hate to see the damage caused if a
dog, young child or adult were to step off the pavement and
stand straight on such a violent hazard.
Dr R Koel
Chalk Farm Road, NW1