Tories can bring a fresh start
Each week in the run-up to the May 4 council elections the
New Journal is offering parties a platform to put their case
to voters. This week: Piers Wauchope (pictured) of the Conservatives.
AFTER 35 years of waste and misrule, Camden finally has a
chance to change.
Residents want the safer streets that a Conservative council
will bring, with local police patrolling for longer hours from
local police stations.
They want the resident-friendly parking policies the Conservatives
offer, not the money-grabbing persecution we have now.
They want new schools, where headteachers spend their time on
improving standards, not filling out forms.
They want to see the clean streets and lower council tax bills
offered by Conservative boroughs like Wandsworth, Westminster
and Kensington and Chelsea, not the shoddy services and sky-high
bills they get in Labour Camden or, even worse, Lib Dem Islington.
Labour have run out of ideas. They have failed miserably on
crime. No one is fooled by Camdens rulers talking tough
on drugs when only three years ago they lobbied the government
to legalise them. There has to be real determination to run
the dealers out of Camden. We will persecute them instead of
Our housing department has become the worst in the capital,
famous only for botched repairs, financial inefficiency and
an allocations policy that has often left our long-suffering
residents fearful in their own homes.
Im with the tenants on this: whether we get full government
funding or not, there must be real change to get proper accountability
and decent homes.
The message on the doorstep is clear: 35 years of annual tax
rises, of a bloated bureaucracy, of secrecy, of unaccountability,
of propaganda on the rates and fraud have all taken their toll.
Camden residents have had enough. They want a change. Only the
Conservatives can beat Labour across Camden.
Only the Conservatives promise not to back Labour after the
election. Only the Conservatives can bring a fresh start to
Camden with better services and better value for money. |