will sleep just feet from pub parties
PARTIES are to be held in a function room above a Kentish
Town pub despite it being just 10ft from a toddlers
Neighbour John Woodcock told a Camden Council licensing committee
on Tuesday that the home nearest the Assembly House pub in Kentish
Town Road had a child sleeping next to the function room stairway.
The former chairman of Leighton Road Neighbourhood Association
described the prospect as a nightmare.
The committee heard that Camdens environmental health
department is to look at the possibility that the stairway,
which shares a wall with the home of the Culshaw family next
door, could be soundproofed.
Neighbour Guy Culshaw revealed in last weeks New Journal
that, on telephoning the councils noise prevention team,
operators had been shocked to discover the call was being made
from the family home rather than from inside the pub.
Another Leighton Road resident, JJ Seamark, told the committee:
Whats so important about selling a few more megabuckets
of alcohol to a few more drunken tourists?
But barrister James Rankin, on behalf of publican Emily Corbett,
said the pub would use the space for Womens Institute
meetings, gallery showings and birthday parties rather
than the raucous raves neighbours feared.
Councillors were split over the decision, with Labour councillor
Sybil Shine voting against allowing Greene King the brewery
which runs the Assembly House to reopen the room, unused
for 20 years.
Approving the application, councillors Stephen Hocking and Maggie
Cosin said the room must be limited to 50 people and that it
should close at the same time as the pub midnight on
Fridays and Saturdays and 11.30pm during the week. |