Dogs attack
swans at ponds
SWANS nesting at ponds near Hampsteads Kenwood House
have twice been attacked by dogs in the last fortnight.
Owners are being urged to keep their pets under control as in
both cases the dogs were off the lead, in contravention of by-laws.
Park wardens who witnessed one attack rushed to help the owner
drag the dog away after it ran into the pond and pounced on
a swan.
Wardens are keeping the injured swan under observation.
In the second incident last Tuesday, two swan eggs were destroyed
when a dog attacked a nesting swan at Wood Pond.
Both dog and owner had left by the time wardens arrived at the
Park rangers have been patrolling the area over the weekend
warning dog owners not to let their pets off the lead. Paul
Griffiths, head of visitor operations at Kenwood House, said:
We would like to remind people the laws are there to protect
the public and wildlife.
Swans have been known to kill dogs when attacked.
A spokeswoman for the RSPCA said: If a dog runs into a
nest a swan will fight back. Swans are very strong and they
will protect their young. |