Parks arent
the places to schmooze business
WELL done to William Palin and the community round
Lincolns Inn Fields in seeing off the corporate predators
(Whose park is it anyway? April 20).
It is indeed a sad state of affairs that the terms covetous
and greedy, applied in the 17th century to people who
wanted to exploit the Fields, can be applied to Camden Council
in their quest to generate income from corporate events in public
If large marquees and lavish hospitality are essential for schmoozing
clients, there are surely plenty of private venues where this
activity can take place without using the public parks that
Londoners have enjoyed and loved for centuries. It is an unwelcome
and divisive intrusion.
On a related subject, another season of concerts at Kenwood
will soon come round again.
We enjoy these thanks to English Heritage, who of course have
to balance their books. But am I the only one to think that
it has become far more difficult for us genuine hoi-poloi, picnicking
and lolling contentedly in the field beyond the boundary fence,
to see even a little of the proceedings?
Arent the fences higher now, presumably to give privacy
to the corporate clients enjoying their champagne and strawberries?
Janet Jones
Roderick Road, NW3