stand in four years
Since I made my announcement through the CNJ that
I would not be standing in the forthcoming local elections,
I have received many calls asking me why.
The decision not to stand was extremely hard, especially
when I believed, like so many, that it was time for new blood
to be injected into the local political system. A system which
has not only become a little staid but one that needs to genuinely
and more openly find a way to get back in touch with the grass
roots needs and wishes of Camden residents if communities have
any chance of surviving.
Since the eviction from its former premises in Greenland Road
in December 2003, the Camden Town Neighbourhood Advice Centre
has continued its 35-year tradition of serving the Camden community
from the home of former Camden Mayor Gloria Lazenby.
The work of the CTNAC has only been possible due to the commitment
of residents and volunteers who make up the management committee
and day to day advice providers.
It has also been those volunteers (with the support of some
of the CTNACs clients) who have dug deeply into their
own pockets in order to cover the administration and running
costs since the withdrawal of the CTNACs funding in 1999
when it was receiving an annual grant of £80,000. Against
the backdrop of trying to provide an un-funded service over
the last four years, the CTNAC has had to contend with the ongoing
issue of the much reported investigation into me of illegal
activities. Attempts to see the full content of a personal investigation
file has to date resulted in ten court hearings with taxpayers
money being used in preventing me clearing my name.
The ongoing court case was not something which I felt should
be put into the public arena of an election campaign, an issue
which potentially could have been used either intentionally
by any party or individual to score points.
Clearly it would not have been either right or appropriate to
put into the local election system, an ongoing legal matter
where allegations of a criminal nature have not been totally
satisfied beyond reproach.
Whilst I do not profess to be a voyeur of the private and personal
lives of my fellow man, as a public servant, I have no problem
with laying out any area of my life, both professional and private.
I can only hope that in four years time, when I will have hopefully
removed the smear of such allegations against me, that if I
am asked and there is a need, I will be able to consider with
my integrity and honesty publicly restored, the possibility
of standing in the 2010 local elections.
Barry Sullivan
Greenland Road