Gay sexuality is part of the divine order
• Following the obscene sight of vocal minorities, some using their vile version of Christianity as an offensive weapon, protesting outside registry offices just before Christmas as couples registered their civil partnerships, and now more recently the remarkable interest in the gay story of the film Brokeback Mountain, I want to applaud gay and lesbian couples registering their unions and, for my part, welcome them, with everyone else, to our church with open arms.
The protesters do not represent the local Cof E church of which I am a part, nor thousands of churches up and down this land. It is high time those of us who represent an inclusive Church, stand up and declare their support for people publicly celebrating their love and commitment to each other.
On a day when I am preparing a sermon on the theme of Christ’s first miracle at a wedding feast in Cana, let it be known that the abundance of water turned into wine signalled not a narrowing of occasions where celebration might take place but a joyous and public sharing of a loving union.
If the Church cannot be about promoting this for all people who are created in the image of God, it will deserve to wither on the vine. I will continue to argue for justice, equality and on theological grounds too that gay and straight sexuality is part of the divinely created order and as sure as winter is followed by spring, greater willingness to embrace and welcome will be the way of things to come.
Revd. John A Hayward
St. Martin’s Vicarage,
Gospel Oak, NW5