DVD of the
THE multiple Oscar winning love story of two cowboys
hits the small screen this week.
The film made the biggest number of paper inserts into the Academy
Awards golden envelopes and its a right roaring 10-gallon
hat of a movie and was worth the eight nominations.
Director Ang Lee uses the rolling plains and jagged mountains
as a glorious backdrop for the tragic tale to play itself out
in front of.
Jack and Ennis (Heath ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal) work hard
together during the day and sink beers at night, camping out
in beautiful countryside, they gradually realise there is an
But Jack marries a Rodeo rider while Ennis falls for another
but they cant stay away and long weekends spent
fishing just underlines their real love. But this is Wyoming
of 40 odd years ago, and not only are they cheating on their
wives, they run the risk of some serious homophobia.
This is not a gay film, rather its a tale
of two human beings who have a long-term friendship, which is
both physical and to do with their personalities.