Choccy delights for choccyholics
Clare Latimer has been feeling
the chocolate withdrawals lately, so here are some naughty but
nice treats
I CANT believe that I have not mentioned chocolate
in any recipe this year and as a chocoholic Im feeling
withdrawal symptoms.
Before we think about lying in the sun I would like to sneak
in some naughty but wonderful chocolate puddings.
These facts about chocolate will make you feel better. Good
chocolate actually lowers cholesterol, women need magnesium
and good chocolate has a high magnesium count, it contains chemicals
which create the feel good factor and, last but definitely not
least, it is regarded as an aphrodisiac, so what are you waiting
Chocolate Pudding
This is extraordinary to make but I promise it works really
well. It must be served hot and double cream is compulsory!
In for a penny, in for a pound.
serves 6-8
50g butter;
50g good plain
125g self-raising flour;
One heaped teasp
baking powder;
175g caster sugar;
Five fl oz milk;
50g granulated sugar;
50g soft dark-brown sugar;
Two heaped tbsp cocoa powder.
Preheat the oven to 180¾C/350¾F/gas mark four. Put the butter
and chocolate in a small basin in a saucepan of water and melt
over a very low heat.
Put the flour, baking powder and caster sugar in a bowl, stir
in the butter, chocolate and milk, then beat until smooth. Put
into an ovenproof, shallow dish.
Mix the granulated sugar, brown sugar and cocoa powder in a
cup and sprinkle evenly over the top of the pudding mixture.
Pour over five fl oz water, then carefully place in the oven
and cook for about 45 minutes or until the top is firm and crispy,
but the bottom is still gooey and fudge-like.
Chilli con Carne
Okay, it sounds very strange but it really works.
The chocolate gives a lovely dark glaze and even adds an extra
rich flavour that marries well.
I serve it with either boiled rice or spooned into a baked potato.
We served this dish at my shop on Monday as one of our hot lunches
so heres your chance to try it before cooking it yourselves.
serves 4
One tbsp oil;
One onion, peeled and chopped;
One level tsp chilli powder;
450g lean minced beef;
Two x 295g tins red kidney beans, drained;
25g good dark chocolate, grated;
One desp tomato puree;
Salt and freshly ground black pepper;
A little stock or red wine, to moisten.
Heat the oil in a saucepan; add the onion and chilli powder
and fry gently for three minutes to soften the onion.
Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well. Simmer over a
low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Keep warm in a low oven until ready to serve.
Quick Chocolate Sauce
As a child this was one of my favourite treats.
Serve it either with bananas, pears or ice-cream.
It is so quick to make and very yummy. One warning, if you boil
it the mixture will become like toffee, so if your children
are being very noisy
Well, need I go on they will
certainly get stuck into it, as they say.
serves 2
Two desp golden syrup;
Two desp cocoa powder.
Melt the golden syrup and cocoa powder in a heavy based saucepan,
stirring well.
When smooth, dark and about to come to the boil, pour over the
fruit or ice-cream, or leave it to boil to get a really sticky
texture. Be careful, as it will be very hot at this point.
Clares Kitchen
41 Chalcot Road
Primrose Hill, NW1
Tel: 020 7586 8433