Also Showing
Jackass II
Johnnie Knoxville and his chums spend the best part of two hours doing things they shouldn’t in this sequel about the American men wishing they were toddlers.
The stunts are the same sort of thing they did in part 1 – riding shopping carts down slopes into walls, teasing dangerous animals – but, like Knoxville and his co-stars, they fall flat on their face.
While their original TV series had a certain charm about it, this film is a stodgy reheat of gags long past their sell by date.
The Santa Clause. Part Three – The Escape Clause
The return of Tim Allen’s bearded goodie-goodie is a sign that you can no longer ignore the fact the festive season is creeping up on us.
In this episode he is locked in a bitter struggle with Jack Frost (Martin Short), who wants Christmas all to himself.
The usual seasonal sugar-sweet story is ladled on. It’s enough to make you wander off into the snowy backdrops and tell the children who accompany you to the cinema that you may be some time… |