Pitch attack on Regent’s Park
• JUDY Hillman’s Forum piece about the proposed artificial football pitches in Regent’s Park is absolutely accurate.
Such crass vandalism, totally motivated by monetary greed, is disgraceful, and it would be reasonable to assume that Westminster City Council would do something in defence of the interests of the vast majority of the users of the Park, and oppose this development.
Unfortunately, however, all the evidence is against such an assumption being correct.
As I have written in your letters page previously, all the green spaces in Central London – such as Hanover Square, Berkeley Square, and of course, Hyde Park – are regularly hired out, and thus vandalised, for monetary greed.
It is high time that the council, and the Royal Parks Commission, recognise that Regent’s Park and all the other parks and gardens are there for the benefit of all the inhabitants of, and visitors to, central London.
They are part of what makes London special, and should be protected. I can only hope that this campaign is successful.
Ron Whelan
Chairman, Mayfair Action Group
Brook Street
• YOU have done well to spotlight the threat now hanging over the integrity of Regent’s Park. This scheme should be abhorred, opposed, condemned and binned.
The plans appear to involve destruction rather than restoration of the superb open space London has been lucky to inherit.
Though it is fashionable in some quarters to abuse heritage, in this case the park is a great responsibility and pleasure which we must conserve.
The reported ‘development plans’, and existing malpractices of motorised incursion (when a harmless cycle rider can expect to be bullied, expelled, perhaps even fined) are grotesque and insensitive. If these plans are allowed to go ahead, they would provide the spur for further adventures in greed and private despoliation – billionaires will want their plots, just as they have encroached on the upper edges of Hampstead Heath.
Mallory Wober PhD
Lancaster Grove, NW3
• I AM writing to you about with the proposed development of the Goals Soccer Centre in Regent’s Park and more specifically the negative press that this scheme has received.
In 2 Touch runs sports development and training programmes and sessions for youth and adults. We deal largely with the previously disadvantaged sections of the community who do not normally have access to such areas and facilities.
One of the main issues for us is when the wet weather means the park becomes nearly inaccessible in the winter months.
The proposed artificial surface would help a year-round programme of youth development.
I trust that the sense of such a proposed scheme that will assist in the advancement of our youths physical and mental development is acknowledged.
Michael Abromowitz
In 2 Touch