Bikes clog up the streets
• WE have nothing against bicycles. They are beneficial to the environment and the health of those who ride them.
But, like locusts, they are making Soho look like a junk yard. There are bikes chained to lampposts, sprawled over pavements so that pram-pushers or wheelchair users cannot pass. They are chained, and causing damage to private 18th-century house railings and to young saplings, practically de-barking them.
The cyclists seemingly give little thought to where they park up. Yet, we’re still in winter and when summer comes the problem will escalate.
Surely it is time for Westminster Council to tackle this cycle parking problem. We need more bike racks like the one in Golden Square (which is full within 10 minutes every morning).
Otherwise bikes will, like those holding large sales boards, add to Soho’s visual pollution and become a pedestrian hazard.
John Edwards
Secretary, Great Pulteney Street and Bridle Lane Residents Association