Lost faith in schools
• I wish to respond urgently to a piece published on your website from the Labour London Assembly member Murad Qureshi.
His comments about the issues facing new academies may have some basis in Westminster.
However, he is off the mark with his information regarding the proposed new secondary school for Camden.
He says, additionally, an academy run by the Church of England, when so many members of the central London community are from other faiths or none, would not be appropriate as that choice already exists at secondary level.
In Camden there are presently 13 Church of England primary schools out of a total of 40 available to parents in the borough.
At secondary level in Camden there is currently no Church of England school.
Why is it that the council is happy to give parents the choice at primary level, but not at secondary level?
It seems obvious to me that if families choose to attend one of these 13 schools, they have faith in the level of education their children will receive.
All of these schools continue to attract children from other faiths.
Why should it be any different for a new Church of England secondary school?
West Heath Road, NW3