Elderly home takes in hospice
TERMINALLY-ill patients from a hospice in St John’s Wood are moving into Westminster’s largest old people’s home.
St John’s Hospice in Grove End Road is moving its day centre into Dora House, St John’s Wood Road, for six months from May 1.
More than 200 tenants have been told they cannot use their library and computer room for four days a week while St John’s patients are there.
They have illnesses ranging from cancer, HIV/Aids to motor neurone disease and CJD and vulnerable elderly residents living in the house say basic health risks are being ignored.
Patient Barbara Stevens, who lost both her parents to the deadly superbug MRSA, said: “I am worried about the spread of infection. There is a toilet down there that is used regularly by dozens. “There are 240 residents, mostly elderly and vulnerable, and I think there are health and safety risks that need addressing.”
She added: “It just doesn’t seem right. We used to have Spanish classes, music and art, things like that. They say we were consulted but only a handful knew about it and attended. It all seems to have been rushed through.”
Landlords Central and Cecil Housing Trust, responsible for 500 homes in Westminster, justified the move claiming the facilities are underused and that residents would benefit from a ‘payback’ deal yet to be finalised.
Chief executive Dorry McLaughlin said “most residents” had agreed to the scheme.
She said: “As a provider of community services we are happy to try to assist such a worthy cause.”
St John’s Hospice is the only independent hospice in central London covering eight local Primary Care Trusts.
More than 600 people take advantage of the free holistic care, support and advice at the centre.
Hospice Chief Executive Christopher Board said: “It is so fantastic that we may be able to continue providing such support to people who need our help, during this difficult time and it is a credit to the local community that so many have rallied to help us.”
Councillor Ian Adams, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care Services, said: “The council applauds the efforts Dora House have made to accommodate users of St John’s Hospice while improvement work is carried out. “We understand a consultation process has been carried out with residents and the vast majority are happy to share facilities.”
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