It’s a long life in Little Venice
WOMEN living in Little Venice can expect to live 18 years longer than their neighbours in Church Street.
The statistics come from the Primary Care Trust’s annual health report revealing shocking deprivation in Westminster.
In the Churchill ward women aged 65 can only expect to live until they’re 77.
Report author Dr Margaret Guy, Director of Public Health for Westminster PCT, said: “One of the most striking findings is the extent to which the health of older people varies across Westminster. “Along with the wide variations in life expectancy, there is also a significant difference across Westminster in mortality rates. “The variations mirror the pattern of deprivation across the borough.”
She added: “GPs have a pivotal role to play in identifying people at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. “Once identified, they need to focus on reducing this risk – for example, by treating and controlling high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels; helping those with diabetes to improve the management of their condition; and supporting people to adopt a healthier lifestyle through the provision of stop smoking services, healthy weight management support and preventative alcohol services.”
Approximately 25,000 older people live in Westminster – about 10 per cent of the resident population. |