West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 4 May 2007
Safety in neighbours
• I READ with interest Christine Blowers’ concerns over the policing of Regent’s Park Estate (Estate Cops should quit cars, March 30).
I am responsible for the policing of the Regent’s Park Ward, which lies on the opposite side of the park.
I agree that consultation with local people is fundamental to the success of any Safer Neighbourhood Team.
The priorities for the team are set by the ward panel, which is made up of representatives from community groups.
The Regent’s Park SNT recognised that some people would not be able or wish to attend formal public meetings. As a result they hold monthly ‘street briefings’ within the estates. This gives residents the chance to raise concerns over things like anti-social behaviour.
It also gives residents the opportunity to tell officers what they think about their local police, good or bad.
Since the team was launched last April the vast majority of patrolling by the team is either on foot or bicycle. Face to face contact is key to building trust within the community.
Local surveys have identified that people’s perception of crime is high. This is in the context of a decrease in recorded crime. Residents have also highlighted worries about youth disorder. The team is working with partner agencies and residents to address these concerns.
The appeal I would make is to contact your local team and get involved – by reporting things you see, going to the street briefings or just letting the team know what you think about policing in your area.
The Regent’s Park Team can be contacted on 020 8721 2463 or WestminsterRegentsPark. snt@met.police.uk
If you want a team in another area you can do this by contacting your local police station or go met.police.uk/saferneigh bourhoods. BOB HEDDERMAN
Inspector, St John Wood Police Station
Send your letters to: The Letters Editor, West End Extra, 40 Camden Road, London, NW1 9DR or email to letters@westendextra.co.uk. The deadline for letters is midday Wednesday. The editor regrets that anonymous letters cannot be published, although names and addresses can be withheld. Please include a full name, postal address and telephone number.
Letters may be edited for reasons of space.