Green tower block
A HOUSING estate in Pimlico has been transformed into the country’s first eco-tower block following a £10million revamp.
Glastonbury House on the Abbott’s Manor Estate has been restored with a ‘sky lounge’, free internal telephones and an eco-friendly design that ensures a 50 per cent reduction in energy and water bills.
The 22-storey block with 162 flats is part of the Westminster Towers Programme, a scheme investigating the future of housing.
It gives older people living in flats access to cut-price internet cafés, leisure activities including Yoga, holistic therapies, dietary and benefits advice and advocacy services. CCTV will be linked to tenants’ televisions letting them see what is outside.
Councillors and housing managers from CityWest Homes cut the ribbon of the “community hub” including the newly restored Dryburgh Community Centre.
Westminster City Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Angela Harvey, said: “Glastonbury House has been transformed over the last few months and I’m really pleased we’ve been able to produce a number of environmentally friendly facilities and services.”
CityWest Homes chief executive Brian Johnson said: “The project has regenerated an ageing tower block into one that is fit for the 21st century.” |