Did Trafalgar grass cost the earth?
A CASH row has erupted over the costs of last week’s Mayor of London stunt that saw Trafalgar Square covered in grass.
The One London Party slammed the Mayor’s promotional agency for the city, Visit London, for “wasting council tax money” and ignoring the real threat of London’s green spaces disappearing.
Two-thousand square-feet of turf was laid down to promote London’s ‘villages’ in the same week that the London Assembly’s environment committee published a report exposing the fact that London councils have removed nearly 40,000 trees in the last five years.
Peter Hulme-Cross, a member of the environment committee and the One London Party, said: “I would urge the LDA (London development Agency) to remember the importance of green spaces in the lives of ordinary Londoners as well as tourists. “Londoners will be able to enjoy the grass in Trafalgar Square for two days, but trees, gardens and allotments can last for generations.”
A spokesperson for Visit London insisted no money had been wasted, as the turf had been re-used after the event to re-grass a run down park.
But Cake, the PR company employed by Visit London to produce the stunt, remained tight-lipped about how much it had cost. “We don’t want to dwell on any negativity for the event,” said a spokesperson. |