West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 15 June 2007
Low pay vote a disgrace
• I AM deeply disappointed that the Neanderthal wing of the Conservative Party in the London Assembly, led by Brian Coleman, is opposing a living wage for those working with our fire fighters.
The current basic living wage level for London is a mere £7.20 per hour. Yet at a recent meeting of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) Finance Committee, Brian Coleman voted against paying a living wage for contract cleaners.
The result is that members were evenly divided and so the issue will now be discussed at the full Fire Authority meeting on July 21.
This is the latest of a range of attacks on some of the lowest paid Londoners by Brian Coleman and his right- wing colleagues.
At time when we are seeing huge City bonuses, it is crucial that we share London’s economic success and must challenge employers who pay poverty wages.
I encourage people of Barnet and Camden to express their solidarity with the low paid by writing in to oppose the pro-poverty position of their Assembly representative.
Deputy Mayor of London London N6
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