West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 20 July 2007
Count does not add up
• WITH reference to the letter published in the West End Extra on Friday July 13, ‘Rough estimates on homeless numbers,’ by Philip Burke (trustee of the Simon Community.) I would agree that Westminster City Council cannot be held responsible for the number of eastern European migrants arriving weekly in London, and it is true that many of these have no work or accommodation awaiting them here in London and end up as street homeless.
However, what I would disagree with in Philip Burke’s letter is his comment about the the way that Westminster City Council conducts its headcounts of rough sleepers.
As a street sleeper myself, I can say that street sleepers have on numerous occasions been encouraged to be away from the area on the night of the of count. Some have been told by the police prior to a count not to be at their regular sleeping place on the night of the count. NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED
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Letters may be edited for reasons of space.