West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 24 August 2007
‘Disco drivers’ are deaf to danger
IT is good to know that the Birmingham police are now challenging drivers who cruise the streets playing loud blaring music.
Officers can confiscate the vehicles of those motorists who refuse to turn down the volume. Let us hope that London police will soon be dealing with this thundering nuisance. ‘Disco drivers’ and their ‘boom boxes’
cannot be regarded as safe motorists, for
their music machines can so easily distract them.
Such drivers would not hear others yelling at them if they were about to reverse over a toddler or an animal.
Recent research by the Royal National Institute for the Deaf reveals that two-thirds of people exposed to loud music with any constancy are likely to experience serious injury to their hearing, especially tinnitus or ringing in their ears. In later life, these can lead to other health disabilities.
Any motorist who plays loud throbbing music is damaging his own health as well
as the health of others. ANTONY PORTER
Ashmore Road, W9
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