Dead pigeons put on ice ‘to shame mayor Ken’
DOZENS of dead pigeons are being stored in freezers by campaigners determined to “shame” Ken Livingstone for banning feeding in Trafalgar Square.
More than 300 birds are starving to death in London’s Trafalgar Square as a result of a byelaw banning people from feeding them, protesters claim.
They are being collected on dawn raids by the Pigeon Action Group.
Campaign leader Julia Fletcher said the mayor was wrong to say the pigeon community would move away after feeding was banned on September 3.
She said: “Pigeons are known for their homing instincts and they see Trafalgar Square as home – they are simply returning to starve. Urgent action is needed otherwise the rest of the flock will perish. We have already started picking up their little bodies. We are keeping them in the deep freeze as evidence to prove they are not flying to other parts of London as Ken Livingstone is so sure they are.”
It is unclear what exactly the dead pigeons will be used for but Ms Fletcher said: “We are desperate to shame Ken Livingstone for this terrible and horrendous cruelty.”
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds said it had not reported any cruelty in the square.
Mr Livingstone said: “The humane reduction of pigeon numbers has meant a cleaner, healthier environment on Trafalgar Square. The square has been reclaimed as a pleasant and enjoyable place.” Commercial events in the square could not have worked if it was infested with thousands of pigeons.
Alan Bradley, the council’s lead member for environment, said: “It is a nonsense to suggest that the pigeons will starve because of the ban. They are resourceful creatures and go where there is food. If anything, it is cruel to feed pigeons in this way because it artificially increases the size of the flock to unsustainable levels leading to poor health and deformity among the birds.”