Parents and pupils to air views on academy
THE decision to transform Pimlico School into an academy is to be debated at a Committee of Enquiry in Westminster Central Hall.
The move in July defied 96 per cent of parents and teachers contacted during “consultation”.
It followed a controversial Ofsted inspection that put the school on special measures in December. Parent governors were sacked and replaced by a council-led board. The headteacher resigned.
Campaigners fighting to Keep Pimlico Comprehensive say the meeting would be the first chance for the parents, ex-governors, staff and pupils to speak their mind on the future of the school.
Padraic Finn, secretary of Westminster NUT, said: “We are hoping to influence ministers to try to remove Future (the charity) as sponsor. It is unlikely we are going to change the council’s mind.”
The public hearing, on November 10 from 12pm, is chaired by Professor Stephen Ball from the Institute of Education. • A special meeting of the Pimlico School Association is to be held in the school hall on November 6 at 6.30pm.
• Public Statutory consultation over the closure of the school before it becomes an academy in September 2008 began this week.
The document is available on the council’s website and is open until December 7.