West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 16 November 2007
Pimlico silences the music
• COUNCILLOR Richardson has given assurances that “academy status offers the best chance of achieving a good education for pupils, more money for the school, and the best chance of keeping the specialist music provision at Pimlico” (Letters, July 13).
It became apparent to parents of students on the Specialist Music Scheme last night that there are no plans to keep the course in its current format.
John Nash of Future confirmed that the authority has directed that the school should have a comprehensive admissions policy which does not retain the current 10 per cent intake of students showing exceptional musical aptitude and potential.
Furthermore, the Interim Executive Board at its meeting on October 18 agreed to merge the special music and main school music departments. Micon Metcalfe,
Pimlico parent
Uffington Road, SE27
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