West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 23 November 2007
‘Sob story’ gets you a free ride on the buses
• WHILE boarding a bus the other day, I witnessed an example of what could either be described as blatant fare evasion or some kind of “old pals act”.
A passenger on a London bus was allowed to travel free. This passenger was seemingly giving some kind of “sob story” to the driver, in other words he had no money or inclination, if you like, to pay his fare.
For some reason or other this was readily accepted by the driver of the bus and the passenger was calmly waved on, no doubt feeling satisfied with his achievement in cheating the system.
I must say that the driver appeared only too keen to accept this passenger’s situation of pleading poverty, which is presumably what transpired. No doubt we can all do this at some stage! Or can we?
Taking the matter up with the driver later, I was informed that it is now London Buses’ policy to allow certain passengers to travel who either genuinely cannot afford to do so, or perhaps show no inclination to do so. What is the difference, you may well ask? Surely a policy of this nature, assuming this actually is policy, which I doubt, is wide open to abuse. In my opinion it was an obvious case of one’s face fitting or being lucky enough to get the right driver who is sympathetic!
Already, one can obtain concessionary fares if in genuine need. Having witnessed these types of instances on a regular basis, it would appear that this practice is widespread and London Buses must be losing a considerable amount of money.
Apparently, drivers take the same attitude to youths and children travelling late at night – an easy life seems to be the norm. Quite apart from the moral aspects of all of this, the rest of us, who pay up regardless, carry the burden. I would be interested to hear from London Buses on this matter as to whether they intend to take any action here. NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED
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