Storm over lap-dance club
PLANS to open a lap-dancing club close to a Covent Garden primary school have sparked protests.
Secrets, which has venues in Euston and Swiss Cottage, is asking for a 4am licence at its new club in Parker Street, off Drury Lane.
Camden Council licensing chiefs will decide on Wednesday whether it can open and when lap dancing must stop. David Kaner, from Covent Garden Community Association, has asked the council to take steps to protect pupils attending nearby St Joseph’s Primary School, in Macklin Street.
He said: “This should include a prohibition against any advertising on the outside of the premises suggesting the activities available inside them (for example, photos of scantily clad males or females).”
George Gallagher, chairman of Holland and Thurston Residents’ Association, said his members feared children might witness lewd, drunken and violent behaviour.
He added: “The proposed lap-dancing club would impact considerably on mothers, and other local women may be harassed by sexually frustrated male clients leaving the club intoxicated.”
Police have warned councillors of complaints about late-night disturbances in the street, which already has Parkers table-dancing club.
In its application, Secrets said registered bouncers would supervise entrances and exits, rules of appropriate conduct would be displayed and a crime prevention strategy would be devised in collaboration with police. |