Investigators bid to unlock jail mysteries
A SURGE in supernatural activity south of the river is to be investigated by a team of Covent Garden ghost-hunters.
The London Paranormal Society is to return to the Clink Prison, across Waterloo Bridge in Southwark, 10 years after holding its first vigil there.
The prison managers have agreed to have its dark corners investigated on Saturday after the LPS contacted them with evidence of paranormal activity.
Professional ghost-hunter Ian Shillito said: “The prison has recently been witness to a full-bodied apparition of a kneeling lady who appears to be praying. Auditory phenomena such as phantom harpsichords have been reported to echo around the building and poltergeist activity is said to be responsible for moving objects around the offices.”
Would-be ghost-hunters can join the team hoping to uncover the facts behind some of the supernatural stories.
The night includes “psychic experiments”, baseline tests and a chance to monitor ghost-hunting gadgets throughout the night.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at the over-18s event.
For more details contact the LPS on 07982 230208. |