West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 16 May 2008
Destroying a landmark
• WHO has so much power that they are able to destroy a London landmark with impunity, and against the wishes of the public, MPs and heavens knows who else, and push through a scheme no one wants? Regent’s Park has a small “wild wood” next to the former golf and tennis school site.
I learnt to play there, and so did my children and my grandchildren.
We also played a the public courts near Queen Mary Rose Garden.
We all knew Yuri Ouvarov, the tennis coach found hanged in park where he worked until the school shut, and are very sad that he took his life.
Thanks to Karen Buck MP and others we managed to stop the hare-brained scheme of the Royal Parks for five-a-side pitches, or so we thought.
Are they planning to go ahead when all the fuss has died down?
Don’t leave a superb place a shell when so many of us want to play golf and tennis in the open in central London. Anthony Marangos
Chalk Farm Road, NW1
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