‘Arrogance’ over sacked homes boss
THE housing boss sacked last week by Westminster Council learned of an enforced £48million funding cut weeks before his dismissal.
A report to CityWest chairman Dr Kevin Bond on September 25 revealed a number of “key areas” where savings could be made, stating that the cuts would lead to “reduced resident satisfaction”.
It also showed how Dr Bond was battling for control of 600 new homes to be built over the next five years in an ambitious development called “Community Build”.
The report said: “The debate continues between Westminster Council and CityWest Homes over control of the operating charity to hold social housing from the Community Build.
“The CityWest Homes position remains that control should lie with them. It looks unlikely that Westminster Council can have the degree of control it seeks.”
Dr Bond was sacked three weeks later.
Labour councillor Paul Dimoldenberg, said: “Dr Bond was given a position of authority by the Conservatives.
“Then they had a difference of opinion on the way forward after announcing the new strategy.
“Dr Bond said ‘I want to do it this way’ and they said ‘No, you can’t – you’re sacked.’ It shows total arrogance.”
CityWest, an arm’s length management organisation, was set up in 2005 to manage Westminster’s 22,000 council homes independently from City Hall.
Cllr Dimoldenberg added: “You cannot have an independent organisation and then attempt to control it.” |