West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 28 November 2008
Safer with Big Brother?
• JOHNNY Bucknell’s Forum advocates the police should use their stop and search powers with “impeccable” politeness (Police ‘stop and search’ powers mean safer streets for everyone, November 21).
But the question is whether these powers should be used at all.
I am an occasional user of “soft” drugs (speed, cocaine etc) and my weekend use of these substances in no way affects my family life or work (I am a Tube driver).
Should I be stopped under stop and search I may well receive a criminal conviction or even jail sentence, and lose my job – all for an “offence” which harmed nobody.
Mr Bucknell may have the best intentions, but the creeping “Big Brother” mentality always has the effect of hurting those who are least able to defend themselves. Name and address supplied
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