‘Pay-back’ scheme will see offenders help out on estates
REMORSEFUL criminals are helping to spruce up Westminster housing estates in a pioneering “pay-back” scheme.
A team of eight offenders have been assigned under the initiative to spruce up the gardens of disabled and elderly residents on the Mozart estate, Queen’s Park. The group will work on the gardens, as well as painting railings and improving the overall appearance of the area.
They will be digging up nettles, clearing weeds and cutting grass.
Tony Summers, interim chief executive of CityWest Homes, said: “I’m extremely pleased that these offenders can help CityWest Homes residents as punishment for the crimes they have committed. “This will not only benefit the residents of our estates but also the offenders themselves”.
Railings will also be painted on the Lisson Green estate. They are also painting railings, bin chamber doors, goalposts and the bridge on the sports ground at the Churchill Gardens estate, Victoria.
Daniel Astaire Westminster City Council’s cabinet member for community protection, said: “It’s a simple concept, but thoroughly effective and I’m hopeful will be of immense help to those who want to get away from a life of crime, as well as helping to make their local area more pleasant.” |