West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 19 December 2008
Attacks on the jobless
• THE government is reactionary in its dealings with benefit recipients, submitting the most vulnerable to all kinds of indignities as to their fitness for work or whether they are making the desired effort to secure employment.
Availability of work does not enter the equation. The judgment is made that work is readily there and if you are unemployed, then you are simply not trying hard enough to find it.
It is odd that the government should introduce possible sanctions against benefit recipients when the economy is entering a sticky period.
Can anyone really say that job-seekers allowance is a”generous “benefit?
I think not!
With unemployment rising many employers will take advantage of the market and exploit it to their own ends by offering work at lower rates of pay.
These employers are exploiting vulnerable parts of the workforce at the taxpayers’ expense as they ought to offer the rate for the job. I Walker
Dalgarno Gardens,W10
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