West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 16 January 2009
Beyond the Iceland millions
• FURTHER to Martin Kennedy’s letter concerning the damning kpmg report on the Iceland millions, don’t laugh too soon mate (Don’t mention the obvious, January 9). KPMG and other big accountancy firms all have consultancy arms who do this kind of work for all kinds of clients.
The report then picks all the holes in the existing system and the report writers (in this case kpmg), have had access to all the information.
Guess who are favourites to get the outsourcing work?
Who has all the info under intellectual property rights?
It is hard enough trying to hold anyone to account in this administration, even councillors have trouble doing so. Do we really want another lot of outsiders controlling our public money?
Are there cuts at management level? No! They are needed to co-ordinate and manage the contracts !
It would be interesting to know whose reports and advice our in-house investors were following when they put the “money into Iceland”.
Happy new year… the same old shoe repairers! Gary Saxton
Rhythm of the Streets
Chepstow Road, W2
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