West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 30 January 2009
Growth area
• ONE of the few growth sectors of our economy is that of the insolvency practitioner.
However, for purely legal reasons, it seems that the public are unable to invest in and share in the profits made by these businesses. Surely it is time for the government to change the law so that everybody has a chance to reap the fruits of their economic policies and not just a few professionals? John Eoin Douglas
Spey Terrace, Edinburgh
Send your letters to: The Letters Editor, West End Extra, 40 Camden Road, London, NW1 9DR or email to letters@westendextra.co.uk. The deadline for letters is midday Wednesday. The editor regrets that anonymous letters cannot be published, although names and addresses can be withheld.
Please include a full name, postal address and telephone number.
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