West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 6 February 2009
Babylon in Bloomsbury
• I’M ashamed to admit that despite living next to the British Museum, I rarely venture inside. Well, I decided to implement my new year’s resolution of injecting more culture into my life and attended the Babylon: Myth and Reality exhibition.
The exhibition depicts the history of Babylon from 605 to 562bc during Nebudchadnezzer’s rule.
The musty room contains paintings of the Hanging Gardens, glazed brick relief of the “mushussu” dragon and interpretations of the legendary Tower of Babel.
To add to the surreal experience, overhead speakers act as the “voices of Babylon” translating excerpts from ancient inscriptions.
The exhibition finishes with modern references to Saddam Hussein’s attempts to rebuilt Nebudchadnezzer’s palace, the damage to Babylon as a result of the Iraq War and the need to protect Iraq’s cultural heritage.
Visit this insightful exhibition before it finishes mid-March. TULIP SIDDIQ
Judd Street, WC1
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