Bedside computers for ‘paper-free’ intensive care
TAPSs operated by a wave of the hand and doctors examining patients via a webcam, sounds more like science fiction than the National Health Service.
But these futuristic tools are part of a new £8million intensive care unit (ICU) opening at St Mary’s Hospital later this month.
The 16-bed ward is the first of its kind in the UK and will allow staff to provide round-the-clock care for critically ill patients without having to be at their bedside. If the hospital is selected as one of the four London trauma supercentres, the unit will play a key role in dealing with victims of stab and gunshot wounds.
Doctors will be able to conduct examinations without even being in the room, using webcams fitted to the ceiling. And cameras attached to computers in front of the bed will allow nursing staff to communicate with colleagues in other parts of the building. In time, it is hoped, the webcams could be used in live links with medical teams in developing countries.
The unit will replace the existing ICU, opened in 1987.
Nurse Sue Burgis said: “The reason we put in funding for this unit is because the one we were in was a quarter of the recommended size.
“The spacing between the beds was well below national standards. Space is a major issue when it comes to infection control. We’ve closed beds before at St Mary’s because of lack of space between beds.”
Other features at the Paddington hospital include “magic taps”, which turn off and on with a single hand gesture, and “intelligent” windows that flick between opaque and clear at the switch of a button.
To ease paperwork, the unit will be the first “paper-free” part of the hospital, with patients’ medical information kept on computers by each bed rather than large charts.
There will also be a row of flat-screen TVs which, when not being watched, will show views of London’s skyline.
Ms Burgis said: “Critically ill patients tend to lose track of time and days so anything that keeps them in touch with the outside world is a good thing and can help with their recovery.” |