Inspectors praise equality at school
ST Marylebone girls’ school has been praised by Ofsted inspectors for promoting equality among students.
The school in Marylebone High Street accepts pupils from some of the most deprived backgrounds in the borough, but manages to successfully integrate them into school life, said inspector David Muir.
Pupils at risk of being disaffected are identified early by teaching staff, enabling them to receive the right support.
The school’s use of external partnerships such as refugee services was also noted.
An Ofsted letter to headteacher Elizabeth Phillips read: “Each student is seen as a valuable contributor and the school celebrates their participation in a way which raises the self-esteem and confidence of all pupils, including those from very unsettled backgrounds.
“Students who are at risk of underachieving or who have a learning difficulty make good and often outstanding progress in their learning. Excellent use of an extensive array of partnership organisations promotes the school’s inclusive vision and markedly increases the achievements of vulnerable groups.
“Inclusion is outstanding. Students of all abilities and backgrounds take an active part in school activities and are fully integrated into the life and work of the school.”
The only area singled out for improvement was “data collection” so that trends among pupils can be identified early and the correct intervention put in place.?Inspectors praise equality at school. |