West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 29 May 2009
Protest is legitimate
• YOU printed a letter from Councillor Danny Chalkley (May 22) that has a fair few errors in it.
The first one is that the £1.50 per day we currently pay is for motorcycle bay improvements. So far over £3million has been taken by this scheme since last August and one-sixth has been spent on bays. Revenue neutral? Westminster’s own information gained by FOI requests shows a startling array of “additional” parking bays none of them reliable. Most have been produced in dead areas of car park bays anyway.
The councillor also purports to support legitimate protest, which is what www.notobike parkingfees.com is, they have involved the police and been open to the council about each one, so why not accept our protests?
The number of motorcycle commuters, associations, residents, retailers and interested parties against this blatant revenue-raising tax grows each day.
We’re not going away Danny; you better open your eyes to reality. Gary Sawyer
via email
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