West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 24 July 2009
School uniform attacks freedom of choice
• I ALWAYS liked the old Pimlico Comprehensive for its non-uniform policy. Now, like Holland Park, its pupils are being deprived of their freedom of choice and individuality by uniforms and dress code (Spreadsheet logic at academy, July 17).
All this, of course, at the urging of the cradle-to-grave control freaks in government.
As a libertarian Conservative, I am against uniforms and dress codes on principle. I believe in freedom of choice to trump any pro-uniform argument and that today’s children should be as legally free and unfettered as my generation were, without coming to any harm.
This means no primary school homework, coursework, AS-levels or modular
A-levels, fewer exams, fewer tests and fewer regulations.
Forget swine flu, those in authority are suffering from chronic paranoia. Why is it every new fashion – long hair, mini-skirts, punk hair, trainers – gets the same persecution from old-fashioned heads, half of whom have forgotten what it’s like to be young… the other half having never known? Mark Taha
Venner Road, SE26
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