West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 28 August 2009
Dealing with street ‘charity’
• I WAS most interested to read the article regarding the unacceptable antics of charity fundraisers (Shops in chugger backlash, August 21) since you published on May 1 a highly critical letter on that very subject from myself. Your story quoted Mark Carter-Nesbitt, director of the fundraising company Urban Leaf saying chuggers were not a nuisance and all a person had to say politely was “no” and move on.
I believe this is utter rubbish.
For if you do this then they will seize onto it to open a conversation.
One must stay silent and continue walking.
The remainder of his remarks are utter rubbish and a vain attempt at emotional blackmail.
However, Clive Hanks of Fundraising UK does speak words of sound wisdom, “… it would be great if fundraisers themselves were seen as dedicated, well-trained and compassionate people…”
He should be heeded by Mr Carter-Nesbitt. DOUGLAS WALTERS
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