West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 11 September 2009
‘Dickensian housing conditions’
WITH reference to your front-page report (‘Housing is Dickensian’, September 4) our population in the United Kingdom and London especially has exploded by about five million since 1997.
There is no point wading into Westminster City Council for the failure of the massive increase in population, the lack of investment in new builds due to the recession and, of course, the money involved to do so.
What happened to those three cities that were going to be built?
The Financial Services Authority could not control the banking system.
And the worldwide meltdown has impinged on the country’s finances and the National Health Service and housing and many other funding requirements will diminish in the short/medium term.
Let’s hope this sharp shock treatment works and the government wake up. James Quinn
38 years a tenant in Westminster social housing now of W11
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