West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 18 September 2009
Our parks should be havens of peace for all
OVER the past few years, the number and size of events held at Regents Park seem to have proliferated – events now seem to occur most months of the year, take over huge sections of the park for a week or more (if the time setting up and taking down is included), and create noise and traffic (which have proved dangerous for my small kids).
Events usually charge as well. Surely our parks should be free for all to access and be a haven of peace and calm in our hectic city? I can see the Royal Parks need to raise income to keep the Park so well maintained and beautiful, but another year of “Taste of London”, the “Innocent Village Fair” and suchlike seems too much.
Am I the only reader who feels the same? Nick Pahl, Albert Street, NW1
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