West End Extra - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 27 November 2009
The trouble with lorries
•The article about the likely impact of Crossrail (Lorry load of trouble, November 13) upon the West End, certainly resonates with residential and commercial inhabitants of Mayfair.
As I understand it, large numbers of these lorries are scheduled to use Brook Street, as part of the construction of the new Bond Street station.
I have two reasons to believe that the planned number and size of these lorries will cause serious environmental damage in the Brook Street area.
First a number of the buildings in Brook Street (such as my own, and the Handel House next door) are 300 years old, listed, and do not have foundations. I am not aware of anyone from Crossrail ever having been to this area to examine the potential effects of the Crossrail construction and transportation upon these buildings.
Secondly Brook Street is already highly congested and the advent of the planned large volume of lorries will cause unacceptable traffic jams and pollution levels. Ron Whelan
Chairman Mayfair
Action Group
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